My wife and I first got to know Alan at First 4IT through a member of the family when our old computer started getting slower and slower. Alan came to our home and quickly established that a larger hard drive was needed. In order to do this work and to give the machine a thorough check over it had to be taken away.
The required work was carried out efficiently and to the promised timescale.
When our old machine finally became unusable it was First4IT that we contacted for a replacement, major suppliers will supply people with computers but as a silver-haired surfer I always felt there was too much technical detail, I wanted someone who puts things into simple terms in a manner that I can understand and First4IT provides that service.
Our new Dell Computer was supplied First4IT is service and maintained by First4IT all by a very efficient service at reasonable cost, as with all things in life you get what you pay for. It gives me enormous pleasure to be given this opportunity to recommend Alan at First4IT Solutions to you. Keep up the excellent service level Alan.