With over 25 years of IT experience, we know a thing or two about technology. We value our clients, use no jargon and we Keep IT Simple.

We always deliver
  • Professional
  • Quality
  • Reliable
  • Cutting Edge
  • Secure
Computer Services and Solutions

Computer Services we offer

Responsive Mobile Friendly Website Design Icon

Responsive Website Design

Does your website look good and function correctly on mobile devices as well as your desktop or laptop? You will be surprised how many sites do not. If your site is not responsive, you are losing visitors, potential customers and sales. We can create a responsive site that not only looks good on all devices and screen resolutions, but ensures you reach the widest possible audience for your product or service.
E-Commerce and Online Selling Icon

E-Commerce and Selling Online

We utilise Open Source software which is  configured and tailored specifically to your needs, to design and develop an online store for you to sell your product, service, tickets or subscriptions. No expensive custom software that you have to pay to change, just robust, reliable and cost effective software constantly updated with features and improvements – available for free.
Dedicated Website Hosting Icon

Dedicated Website Hosting

We partner with UKFast the UK’s leading managed hosting and co-location provider. We fully own and manage our own dedicated server upon which we host all of our client sites. Our server operates on the very latest software and hardware within the ISO-accredited data centre to ensure your website enjoys 99.99% availability and super fast performance.
Local Search Engine Optimization Icon

Local Search Engine Optimization

Did you know that 65% of searches made via Google are for specific local products or services. If you are a business providing a local service or product,  we can optimize your site to improve the position of your business in search engine results pages (SERPS). Let us help your customers find you quickly and easily.
Online Marketing and Social Media Icon

Social Media and Online Marketing

Do you struggle to understand all of the Social Media platforms, their purpose and how they can help your business? We can help demystify this area and show you directly how to utilise social media to engage with your clients or customers to develop relationships that ultimately generates more business. We can explain to you what you need to do, how often you need to do it and give you other valuable information and advice relating to marketing, including building mailing lists, selecting the right tools and producing compelling and valuable content.
Cloud Services and Solutions Icon

Cloud Services and Solutions

If you haven’t researched what the cloud is and what it can do for your business, you need to start now. The Cloud avoids the need for expensive hardware which is costly to maintain and becomes obsolete too quickly. Now you can store vast amounts of data in the cloud, you can access your data from anywhere and you can scale your usage dynamically based upon your needs very simply. We can help you leverage the power of the cloud in your business by using Amazon S3 Storage, Amazon Elastic Compute or simply consumer services like Dropbox or OneDrive.
Wordpress Consultancy Service Logo

Wordpress Consultancy

Does your website have a Content Management System? We know a thing or two about the Open Source Content Management System WordPress. WordPress currently operates on approximately 4.5% of sites on the entire internet. This equates to 15,886,000 websites. We can create a WordPress site for you or alternatively convert your existing site to responsive template for WordPress. We can maintain your WordPress installation automatically, updating the core software and plugins as they are released, providing regular backups and provide security protection to prevent your site being targeted by hackers.
Dedicated Support Icon

Dedicated Remote Support

Through this site, we can offer our clients a dedicated 24/7 remote support service. This service provides ‘On Demand’ support for clients as and when they need it. The client downloads and executes a small application on Windows or OSX and we are notified of their need for help. We can chat directly with the client to understand their issue and then investigate and resolve the issue. This method of support avoids costly delays and provides a faster resolution to problems without the need for an onsite visit.
Business Startup and Development Icon

Business Startup & Development

Do you want to start a new business or do you have an idea for a new product or service? Do you know how to check to ensure there is a market and whether people are willing to pay for it before you produce it? If not, you could waste a considerable amount of time and effort designing, developing and producing a product nobody wants to buy. We have helped new businesses leverage IT to automate aspects of their business and improve workflow. Our advice and suggestions have helped companies save huge amounts of time and money.
Branding and Identity Design Icon

Branding and Identity Design

Are you looking to create a new brand or update your existing branding? We have extensive branding and design experience. We utilise the very latest industry standard design tools to generate new branding including logo design, vehicle artwork, stationery, clothing and other assets. We can generate real-life mock-ups of your new designs on products or in physical locations to help you visualise what your new design will look like. We partner with some of the best printing companies in the industry – so there is nothing we can’t print.

We have extensive experience working with clients from a wide range of industries including
  • Photographic
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Horticultural
  • Surveying
  • HR Consultancy
  • Sporting Supplies
  • Renewable Energy
  • Training
  • Landscaping

The experience we have gained working with companies from a wide range of industries has taught us that understanding our clients problems and offering rapid and cost-effective solutions is the key to developing a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship. We never offer a “One size fits all” solution. We endeavour to understand the market our clients operate within, their needs or the pain points they are experiencing and the impact this is having on their business. We then offer realistic and timely solutions. We believe this approach is paramount to delivering the right solution first time.

We are very proud to have worked with and sustained long term working relationships with the following companies and individuals.

Authentic testimonials are essential to demonstrate credibility.
Here are some Testimonials from our genuine clients, only too happy to endorse us.

The Charity IT Association

The Charity IT Association is a registered charity with a passion for helping charities get the most from their IT. We are proud to have been selected to offer Tech Surgery and IT Consultancy services to the charities registered on their website. If you are a charity and feel you would benefit from FREE independent and expert advice, then register your charity and the help you require at The Charity IT Association Website

Here are some of Our Latest Tweets

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    How To Contact Us

    It's always good to talk

    We always love to hear from either current or prospective clients. We are friendly, personable and we don’t baffle you with technical jargon. Our customer service charter is our promise to you that will will answer your enquiry within 24 hours (normally the same day) and provide you with the expert advice, guidance and support that you need.

    Our Telephone Numbers

    Office Telephone: 01823 478102

    Mobile Telephone: 07837 471540

    Our Hours of Business

    Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm

    Saturday - Closed

    Sunday - Closed

    If you are a contracted support client and you have a system issue out of hours and require assistance. Please raise a support ticket through the Client CRM Portal and we will contact you as soon as possible.